
  1. File
    Always On Top - indicates/sets whether e-Speaking should always be displayed "on top" of the currently active window.
    Activate Functions - allows you to enter the Release Code to activate the editing functions to add/delete/edit to the list of built in voice commands.
  2. View
    Full Window - shows you the command list and editing form
  3. Recognition
    Microphone - turns the microphone on/off
    Phonetic Alphabet - determines if the words for the phonetic alphabet should be recognized. This should be checked only if you wish to use the Phonetic Alphabet.
  4. Mouse
    Movement Commands - indicates/sets whether e-Speaking should interpret mouse commands such as mouse up, mouse left, mouse down, faster and other mouse commands.
    Button Commands - indicates/sets whether e-Speaking should interpret mouse commands such as select, click, double-click, drag-item and other mouse commands.

Built-in Commands

  1. Moving the Mouse
  2. Mouse Clicking and Double Clicking
  3. Moving the Text Cursor
  4. Keyboard Shortcuts
  5. Phonetic Alphabet
  6. Cutting, Pasting, Inserting
  7. Working with Applications
  8. Working with Documents
  9. Working the Web Browser